Magic Carpet for Chantiers De L’Antlatique

Special equipment has been designed called “Magic Carpet”. It is intended for luxury cruise ships built at the renowned French shipyard Chantiers de l’Atlantique in Saint Nazaire, special equipment has been designed called “Magic Carpet”. This name is in fact an allusion to the flying carpet in One Thousand and One Nights. 

 This platform will provide the hover over the sea as it will be installed on the ship’s side. Passengers will have the experience of levitating over the sea and it will also serve for disembarking passengers because it has the ability to move across the altitude of the ship’s freeboard.

Radež created this set in cooperation with the Swedish company TTS Marine from Gothenburg, which is also the holder of the entire project. “Magic Carpet” for Nb. K34 is delivered in several phases. The final delivery took place in February this year.